The Premium Beverage Package
Items exceeding AU$16 are not included and full charges will apply to these items. Drinks included in the package are provided one per order to the guest who has purchased the package. If more than one drink is requested, the most expensive drink (that is $16 or under) will be accounted for by the Premium Beverage Package and the other drink(s) will be charged to your onboard account.
Alcoholic beverages are limited to 15 beverages per 24-hour period (6am to 6am) and the service is always subject to P&O’s Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) Policy. Alcoholic beverages requested above this limit are charged at regular menu prices and are subject to RSA.
Service and availability is limited to each venue’s menu offerings and operating hours.
Packages may not be shared with other guests, are non-transferable and non-refundable. Only the guests who purchased the package are eligible to order beverages using the card associated with the Premium Beverage Package.